Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Field of Flowers October Hybrid Sesshin

photo by Pierce Butler and Corwyn Miyagishima
 Another month and another sesshin -- and this one was an anniversary.  Fifteen years ago, Boundless Way had its first sesshin at the Temple.  To commemorate this, the teachers chose the kōan from the Gateless Gate, "The Buddha holds up a flower" which celebrates the transmission of the Dharma from Shakyamuni Buddha to Mahakashyapa, a fundamental story in our Zen tradition.  Dharma Holder Alan Richardson, Dharma Holder Michael Herzog and I taught the sesshin, and Dharma Holder Rev. Paul Galvin was the tanto (head seat.). Rev. Paul named the sesshin:  even though there was only one flower in the story, everyone who attended, in person and on line, revealed their Buddha nature without hesitation -- many flowers, many smiles.   A lovely and deep time for us all.

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