Monday, December 6, 2021

Great Dreams Sesshin


The Boundless Way Temple sangha just completed the last online sesshin of 2021, the Rohatsu Distant Temple Bell Sesshin.  Our tanto, or "head seat" Rev. Corwyn MIyagishima, who organized and was the main support for the students taking the retreat, gave it the name "Great Dreams."  Rev. Corwyn in turn was supported by a wonderful team of "officers" who lead sesshin, doing timing for sitting and  and walking meditation, helping the teachers meet with students individually, and leading chanting and yoga.  My grateful thanks goes to them all:  Senior Assistant Teachers Rev. Paul Galvin, Jean Erlbaum, Michael Herzog,  Dharma Holder Alan Richardson and Jenny Smith, who was also the registrar.  

Zen communities everywhere traditionally hold a sesshin (Japanese for "to touch the heart-mind") every December.  This retreat honors the awakening experience of our original teacher, Shakyamuni Buddha, 2600 years ago, as he sat through the night and saw the morning star at daybreak.  (Rohatsu, in Japanese, means December 8, the traditional date on which this moment of clear understanding is celebrated as "Bodhi Day." ) 

We took up a Zen teaching story, or koan, in the Gateless Gate collection: Case number 25, about a dream that a teacher named Yangshan had in which he went to the heavenly realm of the future Buddha, Maitreya, and was asked to give a talk.  The collector of the Gateless Gate, Wumen, wrote a poem about Yangshan's experience, which contains the line, "he dreamed a dream within a dream."  Dreams of all kinds were mentioned in Dharma talks given by the four Guiding Teachers of Boundless Way Zen, Bob Waldinger, Sensei, Mike Fieleke Sensei, David Rynick, Roshi and myself, along with encouragement talks from Alan, Michael Herzog, and Rev. Corwyn.  

In this time, full of uncertainty in the face of the world situation and the ongoing pandemic, it can indeed feel like we are living in a dream.  Shakyamuni Buddha woke up from his own dream, and our practice together, now on zoom, and in the future in person (perhaps with an online component) is designed to help us awaken.  Join us when we come together again in February for another zoom sesshin.  Registration information will be found soon at Boundless Way Temple.

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