Saturday, June 15, 2024

Serious Play with registration link

In a few weeks, I’ll be teaching a three hour kōan café for an organization called “Sangha Live.” 

Sangha Live provides dharma teachings and practice opportunities online to an international sangha.   The folks at Sangha Live have invited me to join them on Saturday, July 20, from 10 am – 1 pm eastern US time to offer a kōan café for them which I have called Serious Play: A Zen Kōan Café. To register for this event go to: register

As many of you know, our Boundless Way Zen Temple kōan cafés are opportunities to explore kōan practice in the non-traditional way pioneered by my teacher’s teacher John Tarrant, Rōshi.  We use meditation, guided contemplations, dharma talks, free association and group dialogue to explore one or more kōans in company with others.  In the free-wheeling, compassionate atmosphere of a kōan café, everyone’s contribution is important, and no-one is ever wrong.  

I hope that you will join me and curious dharma students from many traditions around the world on July 20.

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