Monday, August 26, 2024

Transmission of the Light August 2024 sesshin

photo by Michael Herzog
  Pictured here are most of the group who attended the third week of our summer residency program, which culminated in a seven-day sesshin which our tanto, Dharma Holder Rev. Paul Galvin, named "The Transmission of the Light."  

This is a particularly resonant name for Paul and for me, because on the last night, in a private (secret) ceremony witnessed by David Rynick, Rōshi, Dharma Holder Alan Richardson and Dharma Holder Michael Herzog, I gave Denkai transmission to Rev. Paul.  He is thus a transmitted teacher, and may take on shoken students and transmit the precepts.  Until he receives Denbo transmission and becomes a Sensei, he can't yet transmit the Dharma to anyone else.

The ceremony was guarded from demons wanting to interfere (a fairly ancient tradition) by Rev. Ray Demers, Senior Assistant Teacher Rev. Corwyn Miyagishima, and Senior Assistant Teacher Jenny Smith.  Since the transmission appears to have been successful, their wielding of two wooden swords (kyosakus) and my shakujo (large staff) appears to have been quite effective.  Rev. Paul is pictured above wearing his new gold/ochre rakusu which indicates his new role as Dharma Holder.  

Congratulations to Dharma Holder Rev. Paul!

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