And yet, every once in a while, our desperate clinging to a separate and inferior self drops away. We don't get rid of it. It just wears itself out, through the practice of sitting upright and facing everything. And in those moments, the great kindness that fills the universe shows up and there's no way to deny it. At these times, we scramble to go back to the familiarity of our incompetence and inferiority. Eventually, after a few seconds or hours or days, we re-establish our sense of self and confirm our lack of Buddha nature. But the world keeps picking at our cherished self-opinion.
This practice is about surrendering to this wild possibility: that we, as we are right now, with all of our faults and personality quirks and, yes, delusions -- this being showing up right now is the Buddha, a manifestation of the awakened heart.
Thanks for this - I really want to stop my endless searching...